
  • Sutured was created by physicians and advanced medical students willing to continue learning and sharing relevant medical information with their peers.
  • At Sutured, our goal is to create a comprehensible resource for the general audience and medical professionals aimed at sharing knowledge on surgery in an understandable fashion.
  • For this purpose, we consider our editorial process crucial in providing relevant and straightforward information for medical practice.


  • Our writers are independent authors that aim at providing the most relevant information about surgeries. They use their experience in their level of practice to select the relevant information on the different topics we treat.
  • Our writers research sources from PubMed, Google Scholar, the Cochrane Library, and institutional websites such as the FDA and CDC to gather the most up-to-date and relevant information on every topic.


  • Our goal is to give a clear and straightforward explanation of each and every topic. To achieve understanding is our motto.
  • We provide a wide range of surgical procedures and related information in a digestible format.
  • Our articles are written in comprehensible language for every person to understand the surgery and its nuances.

Internal peer-review

  • Our team of editors ensures accuracy and clarity of information, with the goal of giving integrity to the articles.
  • Constant feedback between editors and writers is guaranteed, as medicine is a field in constant expansion, and new information and approaches to knowledge are worth sharing.
  • When necessary, corrections and editions are made in order to keep the content relevant and accurate.
  • Doctorable’s team ensures to provide all the sources of information in the form of citations to the corresponding source of knowledge for readers to verify and expand important concepts.


  • Once the article meets the standards for relevance, clarity, accuracy, and integrity, we publish the content under the corresponding surgical category.
  • Continued updates and editions to the content are made when necessary.
  • We understand that errors can happen as we continue our education in different fields at different levels. We encourage our readers to notify our team of any inconsistency or error in the content by contacting us.

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